Resin ... leaking after wet?

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Resin ... leaking after wet?

Post by Dukat, S.G. »


I hope this is the right forum.

My kitbashed KBoP's "head" is made of resin -- Alumilite or Amazing Casting Resin, one (I can't remember; this goes back many months). There is a small hole drilled into the part for a fwd. torpedo tube.

I had to strip some paint from the model yesterday. The solvents I used didn't even come close to the "head" part.

Anyhow, after I got the paint off, I washed the model thoroughly with dish soap and warm water. I put the model in my food dehydrator to let it dry for a couple of hours; after that, I went to bed.

When I inspected the model this morning, something that looked almost like spaghetti sauce had oozed out of the torpedo port/hole in the resin. It dissolved under tap water rather easily.

Well ... I'm still getting this resin ooze stuff. I've dunked the model head-first in water and watched as it slowly poured out of the torp tube.

Aside from scrapping this model, what should I do, all? I've never heard of anything like this, and I've certainly not had any such weirdness from other parts I've cast.
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Joseph Osborn
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Post by Joseph Osborn »

That's just the Oompa-Loompa blood oozing out of the resin. It'll wash right off and if you don't get it all, don't worry-- it's paintable.

What, you think resin comes from petroleum?

Actually, I have no idea what your problem could be-- I've never seen anything like that before!
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Post by Dukat, S.G. »

Joseph Osborn wrote:That's just the Oompa-Loompa blood oozing out of the resin. It'll wash right off and if you don't get it all, don't worry-- it's paintable.

I wish it were that simple. I'd skewer a few 'Loompas to fix the problem right about now ;)

Looking at the stuff oozing out, it looks kinda like the catalyst half of the resin (the tree-sap colored stuff, appropriately enough), but it doesn't have anywhere near the "tack" of the pre-mix stuff.

I still don't understand why water, of all things, would make this happen. Perhaps the water, in tandem with all the time the part's spent in my dehydrator, are to blame :?:

In any event, I want it to stop ... I'm Lady MacBething over here like nuts :D

Actually, I have no idea what your problem could be-- I've never seen anything like that before!
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Stu Pidasso
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Post by Stu Pidasso »

Can you post a pic of the affected area?
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Post by Dukat, S.G. »

Stu Pidasso wrote:Can you post a pic of the affected area?
If my latest fix* doesn't work, will do.

*I saw Glenn Harris, local model expert and hobbyshop owner. He saw the offending part and thought it looked like some hard water damage he'd seen ages ago. He suggested I clean up the gunk with filtered water and let it dry normally (NOT in the dehydrator, which did seem to encourage the crap to bubble up to the surface).

But like I said, if this doesn't work, I'll snap a few quick pics. All I can say is it's yellow-brown and, when dry, has the consistency of dried spaghetti sauce. It also reminds me -- if only a little -- of that gunk that oozes out of gaps when a super glue-baking soda mix gets wet.
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Post by Migmaker »

sounds like it could be that the resin was inhibited by some reaction and never cured properly inside, leaching resin as it's referred to.
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Post by Dukat, S.G. »

Migmaker wrote:sounds like it could be that the resin was inhibited by some reaction and never cured properly inside, leaching resin as it's referred to.
Could very well be. The outside's cured by all indications: it readily takes paint; it's certainly solid; and heretofore, I've had no problems.

It was only when I introduced immersion in tap water and drying the thing in the dehydrator that these problems cropped up ... and I'm pretty darned sure I've dunked the thing in water (and dried it in the heating device) at least once before. Biz-arre!

If the inside of the part's resin didn't properly cure (and, FWIW, this part is many months old), what do you suggest I do?

I've been watching the part carefully since I rinsed it with filtered water. Thus far, I don't see any problems ... but then, those tend to manifest when it's either dry or very close thereto.

What I'd like to do is throw this model against the wall, collect the pieces, burn them in a bonfire and forget the moment I decided, "Oh, modeling -- what a great hobby that'd be!" :D

As I literally wait for my model to dry, has anyone else heard of something like this? All input's welcome with open arms, a bear hug and, if you're especially kind, a Borat-esque kiss upon each cheek! :shock: :D
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Post by Migmaker »

well you could always just fill it with super glue( like Zap), hit it with kicker, smooth and move'd be amazed what you can do with superglue, the hobby kind not the other...
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Post by Dukat, S.G. »

It's funny, but that was one of my first (well, okay, second or third) thoughts: shoot a little cyano into the "hole," nail it with some accelerator, then see what happens :)

I'm most pleased to hear -- cough, read -- you also consider that :)

I'm gonna wait until the last minute to do this; I'm hoping someone with a similar experience will chime in and offer a Magical Solution (tm). But as it stands, it remains high on my likely to-do list.
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Post by Dukat, S.G. »


Washing it with filtered water + letting it dry at room temperature = better results, but there were still a couple of areas in which stuff oozed out. Oddly enough, the crud is coming out of hairline cracks on either side of the part now :-| (I would've taken pictures, but I doubt you could make out aforesaid crud :lol:)

I've had enough. I detached the whole part and plan to recast it. I'm already certain a couple of areas won't turn out that great, but at least I'll have a fresh, new part to play with ... as I redo this model for probably the third time :evil:
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Lt. Z0mBe
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Post by Lt. Z0mBe »

I say it's a Klingon stigmata.


Seriously, that's the craziest thing I've heard in a while Sean.


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Post by Dukat, S.G. »

Lt. Z0mBe wrote:I say it's a Klingon stigmata.


Seriously, that's the craziest thing I've heard in a while Sean.

I'm with ya, m'man. It is truly bizarre! :shock:

Fortunately, I managed to keep the part from acting up long enough to make a good mold of the thing. The first casting I did turned out great. In a way, this is a blessing in disguise ... now I'll not only be able to rig up my large Bird bash/scratch, but I'll have pieces for a couple of other, smaller bashes I have in mind.
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Post by Ravenstar »

ok , with knowing which resin it is or seeing how it was cast i can tell you it will never stop bleeding. sorry. one of two things happen. either the casting was not mixed right ( that is what the manufacture would say) or the basic resin itsself is bad( thats what i say) . i always cast the same way every casting to make sure i don't have mix issues. but once i cast over 400 sculptures and models and all bleed later on . some after one of th ecustomers had them painted and ready to seel at a show. horrior.
some times a resin will not kick all the way , meaning some of the resin will just not cure , and lie beneith the surface . once the surface is cut , sanded ,dented , it will bleed through that area just like you were squeezing it , slow and sure.
i also had a customer talk into casting some large sculptures using a resin he found cheap. every thing bleed. i keep one sculpt to see if time would dry it out. after 14 months , it still blead. layers of paint just made it worst , i even used Kil-spray on it. no good. \ i set it in the sun for three days to see if the UV rays helped. nope.
so to sound so negative . i would just hate to see you finish out a nice model and it bled on you after the work.
pleae let us know if you get it worked out.

" To glue or not to Glue"< "that is the question for a collector , not a modeler."
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