Help getting started with airbrushing, please?

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Help getting started with airbrushing, please?

Post by nanook177 »

Hello all!
After a pause of over 15 years, I am starting to get back into building starships. I am trying new things and different materials and one of the things I want to use is an airbrush. However, I have absolutely zero clue as to how to get started. I have read may recommendations about what to look for in an airbrush, but I have no clue as to even get started, what's important, what will give the best effect, etc. I know I am going to be using acrylics because they don't set off my allergies as bad as other paints, but other than that I need some help deciding what to do and how to get started with equipment to get paint on model. Thanks all!


P.S., If this has been covered in another post, I am sorry. I did search but could not find something appropiate.
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Post by darth_daniel »

Have you seen this thread? I don´t know if it is helpful to you but have a look. :)